July 2024
Profit & Loss
General Fund Budget YTD
Lake Fund Budget YTD
Road Fund Budget YTD

Balance Sheet
Statement of Cash Flows
Monthly Deposit Summary
Monthly Expenditures Total

August 2024
Profit & Loss
General Fund Budget YTD
Lake Fund Budget YTD
Road Fund Budget YTD

Balance Sheet
Statement of Cash Flows
Monthly Deposit Summary
Monthly Expenditures Total

September 2024
Profit & Loss
General Fund Budget YTD
Lake Fund Budget YTD
Road Fund Budget YTD

Balance Sheet
Statement of Cash Flows
Monthly Deposit Summary
Monthly Expenditures

October 2024
Profit & Loss
General Fund Budget YTD
Lake Fund Budget YTD
Road Fund Budget YTD

Balance Sheet
Statement of Cash Flows
Monthly Deposit Summary
Monthly Expenditures Total

November 2024
Profit & Loss
General Fund Budget YTD
Lake Fund Budget YTD
Road Fund Budget YTD

Balance Sheet
Statement of Cash Flows
Monthly Deposit Summary
Monthy Expenditures Total

HLA 2025 Proposed Detailed Budget Final


December 2024
Profit & Loss
General Fund Budget YTD
Lake Fund Budget YTD
Road Fund Budget YTD

Balance Sheet
Statement of Cash Flows
Monthly Deposit Summary
Monthly Expenditures Total