Dear Heritage Lake Members:

Road construction, and associated activities, will continue in 2018 with the goal of completing the initial construction work outlined in the engineering plan released in March 2017.  This letter describes each type of road activity planned for 2018, as well as some important reminders for all members.

This letter will not contain all construction details, just a general overview.  Further details can be found on the HLA website, at the HLA office, and at the monthly meeting of the Board of Directors.  When necessary, letters with specific details of ditch and driveway culvert construction on a specific location will be sent to that member.

Ditch and culvert repair / construction: bidding process is underway. Construction will start on May 1st and end on June 30th.

  • Road construction: engineering plans are being finalized, the bidding process will follow. Construction will occur between July 1st and August 31st.
  • Culvert lining: Select culverts will be lined in mid to late 2018.

As dates become known, the HLA website will be updated with this information.

Important Reminders
All work will occur between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM.

  • Reconstruction may require partial or complete road closures.
  • Please communicate any critical medical needs that require special access to your property to the HLA office ASAP.
  • If you’d like to become a representative for your street to communicate construction changes and other updates to other neighbors, please contact the office with your name, phone number, and email address.
  • Do not obstruct the ditches on your lot. If lot owners intentionally obstruct ditches after the initial construction project, including but not limited to installing a culvert and/or filling in the ditch without approval from Heritage Lake, they will be charged for Heritage Lake’s cost of re-establishing the ditch.  If you burn material in the ditch, clean it up afterwards and don’t leave a pile of debris, this is considered filling in the ditch.
  • During the construction work, do not park any vehicles, trailers, or other obstructions on the side of the road or in the ditch near the road. If the work area is obstructed, the member will be warned and, if necessary, the obstruction will be removed at the cost of the property owner.  Heritage Lake owns the easement between the property lines and the edge of the road.  This easement varies throughout the subdivision.  If you’d like to have your property pins located, contact the HLA Environmental Control Committee or Tazewell County.
  • Mail service may be interrupted on the days when construction happens closest to your property. If you would like to pick up your mail at the post office or have it held during construction, please contact the post office.
  • Seal coating (tar and chip) the roads involves spreading oil and gravel on in one to three layers depending on the engineering plans. The surface sets about 15 minutes after the oil is covered with the gravel. The surface can be driven on once the gravel is placed. The oil will not be exposed for very long without gravel, but please drive slowly and DO NOT drive on the oil or through someone’s property. Heritage Lake Association and the contractor will not be responsible for vehicle damage from the oil.  Seal coating will likely take place over 3-4 weeks.  During this time, the road surface might have a layer of larger rock before the cover coat is applied.  Use caution and reduce speeds while driving on these roads.
  • In the event of inclement weather, schedules may have to be adjusted. Please watch the website and entrance boards for postings of any potential changes.

Road Resurfacing – Refer to the color-coded map on the website
The following roads will be resurfaced.  The construction process will be similar to what occurred in 2016 and 2017.  Plans are subject to change.

  • Berkshire
  • Fairfax
  • Fleetwood
  • Carlton
  • Sulfolk
  • Summerset (except for cul-de-sac)
  • Stratford (cul-de-sac only) 

Road Reconstruction – Refer to the color-coded map on the website

The following roads will be reconstructed.  This will involve tilling the roads with various levels of materials added to strengthen and raise the base, as well as adding crown to assist with drainage.  The work on Heritage Dr. and Westminster Dr. (from Heritage to Wilshire Wood) will be more invasive and might result in extended delays.  More details will be communicated on the website as soon as they are known.  Plans are subject to change.

  • Heritage Dr (from the boat ramp moving up the hill towards Olivia and continuing to Brandy Dr)
  • Martinique Ln
  • King Richard Dr
  • Yorkshire Dr
  • Wexford Ct
  • Hawthorne Pl
  • Avon Ct
  • Summerset Dr (cul-de-sac only)
  • Beechwood Ct
  • Cornwall Ave
  • Cheshire Dr
  • Jamaica Pl
  • Londonderry Dr
  • Sussex Ct
  • Warwick Ct
  • King James Rd
  • Westminster Dr
  • Wilshire Wood Dr (after Westminster)
  • London Ct
  • Victoria Way
  • Elizabeth Way
  • George Ct
  • Brandy Dr (from Heritage to the lodge and from Brandy Ave to the cul-de-sac)
  • Brystol Ln
  • Pickwick Ln
  • Greenwood Dr
  • Burgundy Ct
  • Brandy Ct
  • Brandy Ln
  • Thornton Dr
  • Exeter Rd
  • Strawberry Ln
  • Roxbury Rd (south)
  • Essex Ave (north and cul-de-sac of south)
  • Redford Rd
  • Wilshire Ct
  • Summit Dr (cul-de-sac only)
  • Kent Ave 

Ditch Cleaning and Reconstruction
Ditches on the following roads will be cleaned or reconstructed in order to keep water off the road surface.  In select locations, driveway culverts will be addressed as well, see the Driveway Culvert section below.  For complete plans and locations, see the engineering plans on the website.

  • Heritage Dr near the following locations:
    • Across from the beach parking lot
    • Windsor Dr (south)
    • Kenton St (south)
  • Kent Ave
  • King Richard Dr
  • Yorkshire Dr
  • Summerset Dr and Carlton Dr – at the south side of the intersection only
  • Summerset Dr near the cul-de-sac
  • Thornton Dr
  • Londonderry Dr
  • Westminster Dr and Heritage Dr – east side of intersection
  • Westminster – in cul-de-sac
  • Wilshire Wood Dr
  • London Ct
  • Victoria Way
  • Elizabeth Way
  • St George Ct
  • Brystol Ln
  • Pickwick Ln
  • Brandy Ln
  • Greenwood Dr
  • Burgundy Ct
  • Brandy Ct
  • Brandy Dr (cul-de-sac only)
  • King James Rd
  • Summit Dr
  • Roxbury Ct (south) 

Culvert Cleaning, Repair, and Lining

Culvert lining will take place later in 2018, the list of culverts that this applies to is not yet available for distribution.  The following cross road culverts will be cleaned and repaired as required.  For complete plans and locations, see the engineering plans on the website.

  • Hawthorne Pl
  • Summerset Dr
  • Yorkshire Dr
  • Fleetwood Ct
  • Sulfolk Way
  • Heritage Dr
  • Westminster Dr
  • Londonderry Dr
  • Warwick Ct
  • Scarborough Dr
  • Exeter Rd
  • Norfolk Ave
  • Kenton St
  • Kent Ave
  • Windsor Dr
  • King Richard Dr
  • Carlton Dr
  • Thornton Dr
  • Greenbriar Rd
  • Elizabeth Way

Driveway Culverts
According to the Heritage Lake rules and regulations, lot owners must keep their driveway culverts free and clear of debris (example: leaves, dirt, etc.).  Lot owners must also replace culverts if they’re collapsed or damaged to the point that they obstruct water flow.  If an obstructed, undersized, damaged, missing, or inadequate (ex. Single wall culvert) driveway culvert is found, a letter will be sent to the lot owner.  If the driveway culvert is in good shape, it will likely be left in place unless it needs to be re-positioned to allow for better drainage.  If ditch work or driveway culvert replacement effects an asphalt or concrete driveway, replacement or repair of the driveway will be up to the lot owner.

Driveway culvert replacement is only occurring on roads where ditch cleaning and reconstruction is planned.  For the initial construction project, the Board of Directors has decided that driveway culverts in need of attention, as determined by the engineer, will be replaced as a part of the construction cost.  The material cost of the culvert pipe and cutting of asphalt or concrete driveways will be invoiced to the lot owner.  This policy is in effect until the end of 2018. 

Reference CCE&Rs
Section 4, Paragraph G – regarding ditches

Section 6, Paragraph C – easements and rights-of-way

 Heritage Lake Association – Road Committee