Heritage Lake Hero
How to Suggest a Heritage Lake Hero: If you know a Heritage Lake Hero, you can Email your Hero’s name, what makes them a HL Hero and an .jpg attachment (1mb or less) to the Heritage Lake Office by clicking here.
Heritage Heroes: Richard & Nancy Knowles and Andy & Courtney Knowles.
Heritage Lake is fortunate to have members who are willing to share their talents and skills to make this a great place to live. The Knowles families volunteered to landscape and maintain the median at the entrance to Heritage Lake at Fast and Bradford. In their request to do the work, they wrote: “We love living here and want to present a beautiful ‘first impression’ to anyone entering the lake.” They tilled up the median, planted perennial grasses, nepeta and daylilies. Some of the existing plants were transplanted. Some of the plants were donated by the Knowleses while others were purchased through the conservation committee. Old, misshapen evergreen trees were removed. The Knowles families have future plans for the entrance median. They say “thank you for allowing us to express our love of Heritage Lake”. We say “thank you for all the effort and hard work that has resulted in further beautifying our sub-division!”