Status as of January 15, 2017
Road Work Completed since Last Update
- Culvert work at 599 Heritage Dr. was completed in late Dec 2016. The culvert was scoped to determine its condition, and the results have been provided to Austin Engineering.
SSA Updates since Last Update
- The road committee chair met with Austin Engineering in early December. Road, ditch, and culvert conditions were discussed as well as known trouble spots, road work, and cost history that will be used to estimate SSA costs.
- In mid-December, Austin Engineering provided a preliminary reconstruction and resurface road plan based on the initial recommendations that came out of the Road Improvement Committee (RIC), core samples, and their initial review of road conditions.
- Austin Engineering and the road committee chair met in late December 2016 to review the preliminary recommendations and current road conditions. They reviewed every reconstruct and resurface road in the subdivision. The preliminary road plan was updated based on the conclusions of this meeting.
- In general, the preliminary road plan provided by Austin Engineering is very similar to the recommendations from the RIC. Austin Engineering has split the reconstruct roads into several categories with different road cross sections. These road cross sections were defined based on core samples from 2015 and 2016. Defining specific tilling and base recommendations ensures the proper road base where needed, but allows for efficient use of road funds where costly base reconstruction is not needed. A revised map will be available shortly.
- On January 5, Austin Engineering, the Heritage Lake attorney and members of the HLA SSA Committee met with the Chairman of the Tazewell County Transportation Committee, the Tazewell County Engineer, the Tazewell County Administrator and the attorney representing Tazewell County for the SSA. A tentative timeline has been developed with the goal of receiving approval from all Tazewell County stakeholders, including specific steps and tentative dates to complete the planning, county acceptance, bonding of the SSA and all steps required to complete the SSA project substantially as it was proposed and overwhelmingly supported by a membership vote at the 2016 HLA Annual Meeting. Once this timeline has approval from all stakeholders, it will be published for the membership.
Next Steps
- Several more culverts throughout the subdivision will be scoped to determine current condition.
- Approval by the Tazewell County Transportation Committee of the road plan.
- Austin Engineering completing work on a specific ditch and culvert reconstruction plan.
- Prepare a membership update on the project status for the 2017 HLA Annual Meeting.
- Complete the 2017 Road Construction Plan, currently under development. Remaining road funds from 2016, along with the 2017 road fund will be used to complete as much road reconstruction and ditch work as possible. SSA funded road work will pick up where the HLA Road Fund road work completes. Austin Engineering, the HLA board, the HLA SSA committee, and the HLA Road Committee are working closely together to coordinate 2017 work.
- Continue researching timing impact to members on property tax bills.