Due to a communication error, the September volunteer day was originally posted as happening on September 7th and it should have been posted as the 14th. We apologize to anyone who was in search of the opportunity to volunteer of the 7th, but are happy to tell you that opportunity will be available THIS SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14TH.
Shawn Cassatt is the coordinator for our volunteer days. Please e-mail him at scassatt@telstar-online.net if you will be attending.
Next Volunteer Day: Saturday September 14th, 8-10 am. Meet at the Lodge at 8 am.
Project for next Volunteer Day: September projects included brush cutting on Greenwood and Londonderry, sign making, and pothole patch work. Please email Shawn if you will be able to attend so he may be able to better organize project to make the most of your time.