The HLA Board of directors passed the following two additions to the Association Rules & Regulations at the board meeting Monday night.
Section I General
Part J Disposal of Trash
2. Dumping of household or personal waste in the dumpsters on Association property will be subject to citation and minimum fine of $50.Section II Motor Vehicles
H. Vehicle Identification
1. All member owned vehicles must have the current year Association Member sticker visibly displayed on each vehicle that they own (excluding motorcycles) no later than March 15.
Regarding the use of Dumpsters: The Association’s dumpsters are not to be used for personal household trash or construction waste. Residents can contact Neville Trucking at 309-392-2407 to inquire about residential garbage and bulk item pick-up.
Regarding Vehicle Stickers: 2014 vehicle stickers are available at the office for members in good standing (all assessments are paid through the 2014 general assessment). Please complete the Vehicle Registration Form and either mail it to the office or stop in during office hours. Members may receive as many stickers as they have vehicles, as long a license plate numbers are provided. Vehicles parked on association property without a sticker may be subject to a citation and fine.
As with all of the Association’s Rules and Regulations, members are encouraged to report any violations they see to the office. A complete updated set of the Rules and Regulations can be found on the Association Documents page.