It’s only 6 weeks away! It’s almost time for the Annual Heritage Lake Easter Egg Hunt!
There are a few things I could use help with:
- Please leave any monetary or candy donations for the Easter Egg Hunt at 847 Heritage Drive or the HLA office by Friday, March 8th.
- Filling eggs on Wednesday March 13th at 6:00 at 847 Heritage Drive. This is one of the most time consuming pieces of the egg hunt. Last year, the people that helped made a tremendous difference in the time it took to fill the eggs, I went from several hours and evenings doing this alone a couple of years ago, to a couple of hours in one evening! THANK YOU!
- I could also use help putting the eggs out at the Lodge around 11:30 on the day of the egg hunt.
- Finally, if you could share this with other Heritage Lake members, I’d really appreciate it.
Thank you for any help you can offer! Without you, we wouldn’t be able to have this Easter Egg Hunt!
If the weather is questionable, please check the HLA Facebook or my page for cancellation information. I will try and make a decision and a post by 11:00 the morning of the egg hunt.
~ Shanna Turner