Heritage Lake Association Board meeting on Tuesday, October 25, will be in person at the Lodge and online via ZOOM. The meeting will start at 6:00pm, members may start signing in at 5:45pm. All members are encouraged to attend. There is a portion of the meeting reserved for member questions and comments. Please submit any questions by email to office@heritagelakeassociation.com 2 hours prior to the meeting start time. Questions specific to committee reports may be asked at the time the report is given during the meeting. All other questions/comments are to be held until the Open Floor portion of the meeting and are limited to 3 minutes. Board meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm, the general meeting location is at the lodge. Virtual ZOOM option will be provided for those that would like to attend as well.
To attend click on the link below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 0594 7257