We’re looking to compile a Heritage Lake Holiday Cookbook. Send as many recipes as you would like. Even though the cookbook theme is geared towards Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s parties; all recipes are welcome. Please send in your recipes by 11/18.Below is a link to an online submission form, but if you prefer to email recipes you can send to lora@carlsonsidingandconstruction.com – please include your name, category of recipe (appetizer, beverage, main dish, side dish, dessert, other), list of ingredients, instructions, and any additional notes or a specific cookbook citation.https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScEQ0CqTbSFzLdIxmmzlnHsBlqgsu-iAmZyKcjldjwFr0p88w/viewform?usp=sf_link
PHOTOS NOT REQUIRED but if you submit a photo, please make sure it’s original to you and not taken from a cookbook (aka no copyright infringement)
Once all are compiled, a pdf version will be available to download to anyone interested. You do not have to submit a recipe to be able to download a free copy.