Spring 2018 Garage Sale Sign Ups Now Available!
The Spring 2018 HLA Garage sales will be Saturday May 5th, 2018. As in the past, all sales need to be operating between 8am and 1pm on Saturday. Individual members may open sales at other times at their own discression.
Begining this year, we will no longer be charging members to be on the sale map. The map will be created using a collaborative Google map, and members will be able to add and edit the description for their own sale up until 5 pm Thursday May 3rd. At that time, the map will be changed to view only and maps will be printed to be available for pickup at the office. The link to the static map will be posted on HLA’s Facebook Page and Website, as well as local area facebook garage sale pages.
Due to changes in local newspaper advertising rules, no newspaper advertizing will be done for the neighborhood sale. Individual members are free to pay for advertising of their individual sales. HLA will post in several free online forums in the week leading up to the sale, and place our road signs out at the entrances, on Dee-Mack Rd, Coil Rd, and Rt 9 after Saturday April 28th.
For instructions to add your sale to the interactive map, please e-mail hlagaragesale@gmail.com. If you do not have internet access and need a paper form to have your sale added, please contact the office. If you would be interested in setting up your sale at the lodge, please e-mail hlagaragesale@gmail.com This option may be available if enough members are interested.