Golf Cart and Off-Road Vehicle Registration

 Golf Cart and Off Road Vehicle Registration and Inspections will be conducted on Saturday April 26th, 10 am at the lodge.  Members with golf carts and other eligible off road vehicles should bring those vehicles to the Lodge to be inspected and recieve a new permit sticker.  If you cannot make this time, please contact the office and an alternate inspection date will be set up for you.  All existing stickers will expire May 1, 2014.

New stickers will cost $50 and will be good through April 30, 2016. 

Please remember, the Heritage Lake Association Rules & Regulations state that all Off-Road vehicles must meet the following requirements.

1. Unlicensed vehicles such as all-terrain vehicles or golf carts shall be allowed to operate on the roads within the Heritage Lake Subdivision, but are required to be equipped with proper lighting, a roll cage/ roof, steering wheel, rear displayed safety orange triangle, and a HLA permit sticker and inspection and approved by the Security officer.

2. All such vehicles shall be operated only during dawn to dusk hours and shall be equipped with a muffler system that reasonably controls the noise level of the vehicle, as determined by the HLA Board of Directors.


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