Trash Update:

  • It is NOT necessary to call Republic to Start your service
  • Trash Cans are being delivered today/now and tomorrow
  • If you want an additional trash can, you will need to call Republic to request.
  • HLA sent the list of names and addresses for all those who did not opt out. Their database is not totally updated at this time.
  • Names and addresses of those that opted out were not included on the list to Republic. Their database is not totally updated at this time.
  • If you require Walk-up Service, please call Republic.
  • Please EMAIL the office if there are concerns about amenties and services, including Trash Service. Calling the office is time consuming and will not result in a quick answer.
  • Posting on Facebook may result in the spread of incorrect information, and may only apply to your situation.
  • Republic may not be able to fully update accounts or enable additional services at this time, until they get accounts updated on their side.
  • Please be patient.

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