2020 Vehicle Stickers
During the office closure, Vehicle Stickers will be mailed to members in good standing. Please complete the 2020 Vehicle Sticker form and return the completed form by mail, email, or by placing the completed form in an Envelope marked HLA in the NIGHT Depository Box of the Heritage Lake location of the 1st Security Bank’s drive thru. Members must be in good-standing (all HLA fees paid) before stickers will be issued. Payments can be made by mail or placed in an envelope and dropped in the NIGHT Depository Box of the Heritage Lake location of the 1st Security Bank’s drive thru.
2020 Vehicle Registration
Golf Cart, Utility Vehicle, and ATV Registration
During the office closure, golf cart, utility vehicle, and ATV Stickers will be mailed to members in good standing. Please complete the Golf Cart, Utility Vehicle, and ATV Registration form and return the form by email or by placing the completed form in an Envelope marked HLA in the NIGHT Depository Box of the Heritage Lake location of the 1st Security Bank’s drive thru. Please note, if you registered your Golf Cart, Utility Vehicle or ATV last year, you do not need to re-register, the stickers are the same as last year (Maroon).
Golf Cart, Utility Vehicle, and ATV Registration