REMINDER: HLA General Assessments are due March 1, 2023.

The 2023 Schedule of Fees list is located on the HLA website at:
Payment Options:
Payment by Check
Mail to:
Donald M. Heinold CPA PC
PO Box 209
Eureka, IL 61530
Heritage Lake Association
PO Box 402
Mackinaw, IL 61755
Payments can also be placed in an envelope marked HLA and dropped in the Night Depository box of the First Security Bank, Heritage Lake location, at any time. Please do not drop cash in the Night Depository Box.
Monthly Payment Plan: A Monthly Payment Agreement is available and may be obtained by stopping in the office and signing the Payment Plan Agreement. The first payment is required at the time the Agreement is signed. A cancelled check or deposit slip is also required at the time the Agreement is completed to allow the bank to withdraw your payment each month. Monthly Payment Plans do not continue year-to-year. Member must come into the office and signup for a new Monthly Payment Plan Agreement each year.

Preauthorized Payments: The Authorization for Preauthorized Payment form is located on the HLA website at:…/AUTHORIZATION-FOR…

Once completed the Preauthorized Payment form must be turned into the office. This plan will initiate a preauthorized automatic withdrawal on March 1 (general assessments) and a second withdrawal on October 1 (Lake Fund). Preauthorized Payments continue from year-to-year no need to sign up each year.

As a reminder, a $25.00 late fee will be added to each assessment not received on time.

Statements were sent out the last week of January. Non-receipt of a statement is not considered a valid excuse for not paying timely and late fees will still be added to your account. Put the dates on your calendar, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.

No electronic form of payment is accepted. i.e., credit card or debit card

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