Forms & Applications

The Environmental Control Committee’s (ECC) purpose is to protect the natural charm of the lake community while assisting residents and prospective residents with housing issues.

All building permits are approved by the members of the ECC, and required new home inspections are monitored by an ECC member. The people that serve on the committee are volunteers who are committed to keeping Heritage Lake a great place to live.

Anyone desiring to make additions or modifications to their home, driveway, or lot should inquire at the office for the necessary paperwork.

Setback requirements

Front Yards – The front building set-back line shall be equal to one-half (½) of the width of the adjoining road right-of-way. In the event that on a particular lot the width of said lot shall be less than sixty (60) feet at that point, then the building set-back line on that lot shall be established at the point where said lot has a minimum width of sixty (60) feet.

Side Yards – The side yard set-back line shall be not less than ten (10) feet from the side line of the lot, except where said lot is a corner lot, and in such case the minimum side yard set-back line shall be equal to one-half (½) of the width of the adjoining road right-of-way.

Rear yards – If the rear of a particular lot abuts on a road, whether public or private, the minimum rear set-back line shall be equal to one-half (½) of the right-of-way of said road. If the rear of a particular lot abuts on Heritage Lake, the minimum rear set-back line shall be fifty (50) feet from the normal high water mark of said Lake, which is at elevation 657 feet. In all other cases, the minimum rear set-back line shall be thirty (30) feet or twenty-five (25) per cent of the depth of the lot, whichever is greater.

ECC Fees

Environmental Impact Fee (houses) $2,000.00
Fence Permit*  no HLA fee
2% Building Security Deposit
Outbuilding/Garage/Garden Shed* no HLA fee
Seasonal Pools (County regulations) no HLA fee
Permanent Pool*  no HLA fee
Deck* no HLA fee
Dock no HLA fee
Additions* (no HLA permit) no HLA fee
Driveways no HLA fee
Tree Removal no HLA fee
* Indicated that Tazewell County permits are also required.


Tree Removal Fine (without permit) $100.00 (per live tree over 3” diam)
Beginning Construction without Permit $500.00
Continuing Construction without permit per day $500.00
Failure to Obtain any of the 3 inspections $500.00
Failure to Obtain an Accessory Permit $100.00
Failure to finish project within 6 months $100.00
Failure to finish project, every successive 6 months $500.00
Failure to remedy unapproved structure $100.00 per day